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Tag Archives: life

From today’s David Brooks column in the NYT:

When you look from today back to 1945, you are looking into a different cultural epoch, across a sort of narcissism line. Humility, the sense that nobody is that different from anybody else, was a large part of the culture then.

Yeah, it was nice the way people in the ’40s thought nobody was different from anybody else, and everybody could go to whatever school they wanted to, or drink from whatever fountain they wanted to.  Good times!

The moral of the column is: back then we were modest and focused on humanity as a whole, whereas now we are selfish, or at least self-promoting and self-indulgent, even though back in the WWII era we actually had more to crow about.

Oh. And his examples of those humble 1940s people: Cary Grant, Bing Crosby, Dwight Eisenhower

Our modern selfish culture-destroyers: Muhammad Ali, Kanye West, “football players”

Some humble folk affirming their shared belief that nobody is different from anyone else

Some humble folk affirming their shared belief that nobody is different

Hey guys, sorry we didn’t really post any new content this week, we were too busy 1) writing short stories we don’t intend for anyone to read, 2) pouring our hearts out to our friend about our girl troubles, 3) playing guitar, 4) being glad we aren’t in Boston, 5) institutional investing. Respectively.

But hey, I’ve got nothing to do Sunday. If the weather is bad, and I feel creative, maybe I’ll write something for you. Until then, get out there and make it a great weekend.



Additional Time Waster Here.

Hey gang!  How was your 4th of July weekend?  Mine was pretty boss!  Just How Awesome was my weekend, you ask?  Here’s the soundtrack:

Why are ex-girlfriends invariably super-hot?

Wait... I know we broke up because you're crazy, but, really? You still look that good? Damnit.
Wait… I know we broke up because you’re crazy, but, really? You still look that good? Damnit.
New Conundrum: Why are the products of drunken late night blogging invariably retarded?  Science is hard at work on an answer

66.67% of the contributors of this site have Vegas-induced Rubella, so if you’ve notice a drop-off in work-product this week, pat yourself on the freaking back.  Activity will pick up when we aren’t sidetracked by our insatiable desire for brains.


Who has two thumbs (one in working order, the other jammed all to heck) and is taking a 15 hour overnight bus ride to Las Vegas tomorrow?  This guy:

Microsoft Paint arrow indicating spaceman, not female Mario

Microsoft Paint arrow indicating spaceman, not female Mario

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Tylt33: so

Tylt33: i was furthering your research

Tylt33: and I have determined that although the chodes in northern california are less apparent

Tylt33: they are still here and probably in equivalent percentages

Tylt33: they just dont grow as big up north

bboy28980: hahaha

Tylt33: instead of Tapout stickers

Tylt33: they have cowboy hats

Tylt33: and rice mobiles

bboy28980: i think it’s correlated to the percentage of C and larger fake breasts in the immediate vicinity

bboy28980: also northern california lacks constant sunshine, which probably hides the chode’s “chodiness”
somewhat as he’s unable to maintain a tan year-round

Tylt33: maybe the size of the chode depends on the average breast size of the local female?

bboy28980: i think it’s twofold

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